Going down to FUDCon (and other updates)

11 January 2008

fedora jboss

Tomorrow, I'm trekking down from my mountain to the flatlands, destined for Raleigh.

FUDCon Raleigh 2008 is taking place. In the interest of Red Hat open-source communities playing friendly and synergizing, I've been invited to join the Fedora Board. This means I've also installed VMWare Fusion and have built a Fedora image for my Mac.

Luckily, I'll also be coordinating with Karsten Wade about some of plans for JBossWorld, which the Red Hat team is pitching in on.

It'll also be a chance for me to meet a newly-hired designer on my team, and the new CEO of Red Hat. Amazingly, he and I went to the same small high-school in the same po-dunk Georgia town of Columbus. Tom's Peanuts, RC Cola, Carmike Cinemas, and AFLAC. That's Columbus.